Saturday, September 6, 2014

[Joined Giveaway] Why Masami Shouko Makeup Brush?

10:23:00 PM
Hello barbies~!
How's your day? Hope you're all enjoying and doing well :)

Sesuai judulnya, post ini berisi tentang all about makeup brushes. Sebelumnya, aku mau nanya sama kalian. Sebenernya makeup brush itu penting dan wajib gak sih? Jujur sebenernya sih kalo dibilang penting ya penting, tapi tergantung si pemakainya. Kadang ada orang yang lebih prefer menggunakan jari tangan atau makeup tools yang lain kayak makeup sponge. Nah, kalau buat aku pribadi sih, makeup brush itu merupakan salah satu essential things yang penting dan wajib dipunya buat para cewek-cewek yang hobinya dandan seperti aku hehehe

Di post kali ini, aku mau ngasih berbagai informasi ke kalian mengenai makeup brushes.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

[FOTD & Tutorial] Quick and Easy Back To School Makeup Look!

1:58:00 PM

Hello barbies!
How's your day? Hope you're all enjoying and doing well.

So, today I wanted to share a quick and easy makeup look that is perfect for back to school or, in my case, back to campus. This look is really simple and easy. You can add a few things depending on your preferences and what looks best for you

OK, let's jump onto the tutorial~!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Summer to Autumn Makeup!

3:26:00 PM

[Review] Lime Crime Lipsticks (Coquette, Centrifuchsia & Great Pink Planet)

11:10:00 AM
Hello barbies!
How's your day? Hope you're all doing well :)

So, today I wanted to share my thoughts on the infamous Lime Crime Opaque Lipsticks. I got these lipsticks as a prize from Delania Marvella's giveaway. I've never tried any of the Lime Crime products before. So, I'm very excited to try these bad boys out since you guys know that I'm a lip product junkie.

OK, let's jump right onto the review~

Sunday, August 17, 2014

[Looxchallenge] Agustus 2014 : Bold vs Nude!

9:26:00 AM
Hello barbies! 
How's your day? Hope you're all doing well :)

Wah gak kerasa banget ya sekarang udah bulan Agustus aja, which means another Looxchallenge! Woohoo! In case you didn't know what Looxchallenge is, it's a makeup challenge created by Looxperiments. They always do a makeup challenge every month. If you want to participate on their makeup challenge, you can follow and stalk their twitter for more update about it :)

This month's theme is "Bold vs Nude"

Let's check my creations on~

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My First Liebster Award!

9:57:00 AM

Hello barbies!
Hope you're doing well :)

So, on today's post, as you can see on the title I've been nominated for the Liebster Award! I'm so excited *squels* As you guys know, I'm a newbie on  this beauty blogger world. So, this is my first ever award from blogging! Thank you dear Suzy for nominating me! Check out her blog girls, and make sure you followed her. Her blog is the cutest :)

Ok, so let's move onto the details~

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fall Hat

6:31:00 PM

[Joined Giveaway] Beautifan's 1st Giveaway!

10:41:00 AM
Hello barbies!
How's your day? Hope you're doing well~^^

Today I want to share another giveaway. This giveaway is hosted by Beautifan. Beautifan is a review blog by Ibuybeauti. Ibuybeauti is a website where you can buy korean makeup from. They also did some review on the products, so you can know what the product looks like before buying it.

Now, let's check the prizes~!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

[Joined Giveaway] My Dellilah First Giveaway!

9:28:00 PM

Hello barbies! Hari ini aku mau share tentang giveaway yang diadakan oleh Rifka. Buat kamu yang belum kenal sama Rifka, dia itu salah satu beauty blogger dari Indonesia. Sekarang dia lagi ngadain her very first giveaway dan hadiah beuuhh ahmaziiiing pake banget!

Yuk mari di cek hadiah apa aja yang bakal kamu dapetin~^^

My Favorite Earth-Tone Eye Shadows

6:44:00 PM